SAPs and EPCs

Measuring the energy rating of new buildings

The Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) is the government’s recommended method for measuring the energy rating of residential buildings.

It calculates a dwelling’s CO2 emissions, as well as its typical annual energy costs for space heating, water heating and lighting. Building Regulations require that a SAP calculation is submitted for new dwellings prior to the commencement of work and an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) once works are complete.

Having carried out SAP calculations for our clients for over 11 years, our in-house team of accredited Energy Assessors is well equipped to carry out this service for both new build and existing dwellings.

The service includes:

  • U-value calculations (measure of how effective a building element is as an insulator)
  • Design Stage SAP Calculations to demonstrate Building Regulations compliance
  • Advice on cost effective solutions to meet your targets using our extensive experience and in-house knowledge
  • Predicted Energy Certificate (Indication on final Energy Efficiency Rating)
  • As Built SAP Calculations
  • Energy Performance Certificates (EPC)

If your specification is not on target to meet the required standards, our experienced assessors can provide advice on how to resolve this, ensuring a smooth submission to Building Control.

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