St Walburge


Diocese of Lancaster

Project cost




Project Description

Repairs to Grade I listed church

We led a project of repairs and renovation to this Grade I listed church in Preston.

We completed the quinquennial inspection report in 2007 and subsequently proceeded to lead a project to repair the aisle windows including, masonry repairs to all the significantly damaged stone components, renewing cast iron ferementes with stainless steel, repairing damaged stained glass panels and adding mesh protection panels.

St Walburge is a Grade I listed church built in 1853 with Preston's landmark spire completed in 1866.

Following our recommendations Design Lights (Stained Glass) Ltd prepared a specialist report on the condition of the stained glass and their detailed advice was subsequently incorporated into the repair contract documentation.

The three phases of work have so far repaired 16 windows.

Key Features

  • Funded by English Heritage through their listed places of worship scheme.
  • Each window is a three light grissaille pattern window with a three piece quatrefoil tracery glass.
  • 4 metre high new stone mullions with capital and base details exactly matching original profiles between the three light windows.
  • The conservation repair strategy created a programme of phased repair to match funding levels. The strategy was led by the urgency of the masonry damage caused by ferrous corrosion.

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